FBI siger, at kryptoinvesteringssvindel steg 183% til $2.57 Milliard ind 2022

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) says cryptocurrency investment fraud rose 183% fra $907 million in 2021 til $2.57 milliarder i 2022, based on data from its Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). The FBI also warned the public ofa spike

Digital Currency Group suspenderer udbytte på grund af regulatoriske problemer med datterselskabets Genesis

According to a shareholdersletter from Digital Currency Group (DCG) viewed by finance and crypto publication Coindesk, the company has suspended dividends until further notice. This news follows the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) charging a subsidiary firm of DCG,…

Offentligt børsnoteret Bitcoin Miner Argo Blockchain suspenderer Nasdaq-handel

Bitcoin-minearbejderen Argo Blockchain meddelte, at den anmodede om suspension af handel med selskabets aktier i december. 27, da selskabet forventer at komme med en meddelelse onsdag, dec. 28, 2022. Selskabets aktie er tabt 96.34% år til dato og dec….

Brasilien-baserede FTX-kunder, der organiserer sig for at anlægge gruppesøgsmål

A group of customers of the recently collapsed crypto exchange FTX, is organizing to take legal action against the company. The suit would be led by Ray Nasser, CEO of Arthur Mining, and will be brought by customers who had more

Videnskabelige kerneaktier nedgraderet efter SEC-indgivelse af tip om mulig konkurs

One of the largest publicly listed bitcoin miners, Kernevidenskabelig, has shaken investors with a recent filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that raises the possibility the company may apply for bankruptcy protection. The filing notes that Core Scientific

En ukendt minearbejder befaler mere end 51% af BSV’s Hashpower, På hinanden følgende rækker af tomme blokke gør kæden upålidelig

A single miner has managed to overtake a large portion of the Bitcoinsv (Bitcoin Satoshis Vision) blockchain capturing more than 80% of the hashrate on October 17. I dag, the unknown miners hashpower commands around 54% of the Bitcoinsvs computational power and

SEC advarer kryptoinvestorer om svindlere, der udnytter deres frygt for at gå glip af sociale medier

USA. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) has warned about scammers exploiting investors’ frygt for at gå glip af noget (FOMO) on social media. “If a crypto investment ‘mulighed’ sounds too good to be true, it probably is,” the SEC cautioned. SEC Says Scammers

Bitcoin-minedrift fortsætter med at udvide midt i kryptovinteren, Mens du konverterer 'spildgas til energi i skala'

The bitcoin mining industry continues to expand as companies are obtaining more megawatts of capacity, building new facilities, and acquiring thousands of application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) minerigge. På fredag, the firm Validus Power revealed it has acquired two natural gas

Bank of Russia klar til at legalisere kryptominedrift, hvis minearbejdere sælger prægede mønter i udlandet

Ruslands centralbank vil acceptere legaliseringen af ​​minedrift af kryptovaluta, forudsat at provenuet fra aktiviteten konverteres til fiat uden for Rusland. Regulatoren’s latest position on the matter comes after it softened its stance on the